Ai and Machine Learning have changed drastically over the past years. Companies have started to see how using these methods can help them stay ahead of their competitors. This explains why people want to get the best data annotation specialist. They have access to huge amounts of data. How will they know which data will help them improve their products and services further?

What is Data Annotation?

Data annotation is required to improve machine learning models. Data annotators will be in charge of tagging and labeling different types of data. These huge quantities of data will be used to train machines. Data can come in different forms. They can be through text, images, videos, and more. All of the data that you will feed to machines will look the same without data annotation. It will not know if it’s looking at an apple or an orange. These objects will be the same. Annotating data means that there will be algorithms that are created depending on the type of learning that the machine needs. 

Machines will not immediately become accurate. The more training datasets that it will be exposed to, the more accurate it will be in depicting the data. Annotating data is not an easy task. The data annotation specialist needs to annotate data in huge amounts. 

What Does a Data Annotation Specialist Have to Do?

Business owners who still do not believe in the power of technology might not see the point of hiring someone who can work with annotated data. The world has changed a lot and people rely on technology for a lot of things. The systems, the machines, and all other technologies that we need right now require the help of a data annotator.

Data annotation specialists usually work in a team and they will be in charge of labeling and tagging huge amounts of data. They will also validate the data to ensure that they can be used to train the machines.

Aside from annotating data, data annotation specialists can do the following:

  • Analyze, tag, and label data accurately.
  • Handle large volumes of data to be used for training.
  • Be trusted to handle data that is unique to the company.

You cannot just hire anyone. You want someone who knows how to do proper annotation of data and is also trustworthy. Can you imagine if your top-secret data will fall into the hands of your competitor? 

hiring the best data annotators

In-House Data Annotators

Hiring an in-house team means that these are people who will be working solely for you. They are going to be employed by your company to do AI annotation effectively. The hiring process will be done by the HR team.


  • You can be more secure that all of the data will remain safe. All employees are required to sign a contract that states that they cannot share details about your company with outsiders.
  • They can understand the needs of your project.
  • You will learn how reliable your team is and you will know their capabilities in annotating data.


  • You need to allot time to provide huge quantities of data that they will use for annotation. 
  • You may need some specialized skills that not all of the team members can do.

Hiring Freelancers

Some companies opt to hire freelancers because these are people who can work on a per-project basis. You do not have to worry about paying for benefits and other compensations because you will pay them based on the project that they will do for you.


  • They can be given a deadline that they need to follow.
  • You do not have to worry too much about the costs as the costs are not as expensive as hiring an in-house team.
  • You can hire depending on the skillset that they offer.


  • The security of your data may be compromised.
  • You are not sure about the quality of work that they will give.

Outsourcing Professionals from Third-Party Companies

Some people are working for specific companies that you can hire for specific projects. If you like their work, you can choose to hire them again. If you do not like their work, you can hire another specialist from the same company.


  • Professionals from companies will follow their infrastructure which means that you do not have to provide this anymore.
  • They are professionals in their chosen fields.
  • You can also hire depending on the skillset that your project requires.


  • They may not feel any passion to work for the project.
  • There are some differences in opinions that might affect the timeline of the project.

Other Things to Remember About Data Annotation

Dataset annotation is very important because a small mistake can lead to the destruction of the whole project. Hiring people who know how to work on big data classification is important. They need to be meticulous in doing data classifications and so much more. You cannot start using machines that have not undergone proper machine learning. This will only lead to bigger issues in the future.

You need to be prepared that there are still struggles that you have to face even with data annotators helping you out. Some of the difficulties of the data labeler are the following:

  • They may have limited access to some of the technologies needed to acquire huge quantities of data.
  • They may fall short in document labeling especially if you will not hire enough people to do the job.
  • There may be some time constraints especially when things go wrong.
  • You may have to deal with some data security guideline issues if you outsourced your labelers.
  • There is no guarantee that you will get quality work especially if you are working with a team for the first time.

The more that you will prepare for these challenges, the better you can handle some of the problems that may arise. The more quantities of test data that will be placed on machines, the more accurate the machines are going to be.

Best Places to Hire Data Annotators

Check online and you will be overwhelmed by the vast number of people who say that they are data annotators. How sure are you that you are hiring people who can do photo labeling and so much more? 

Finding the Right Annotators on the Internet

data annotators

It’s great to have a lot of options but it can be confusing as well. You can choose to look for the best candidates for data annotation from the following:

  • Job Boards – Some sites are popular among job seekers and you can post the job description there. Those who are interested can apply. Screen the candidates properly before contacting them for interviews and tests.
  • Social Media – Who says that you cannot use social media to get the right people? Some like scouting on social media because it is free and easy. You can post the job description there and wait for the applications to come through.
  • Use SEO-Friendly Ads – You can advertise on some websites where you know that qualified data annotators might be. If there are interested in your job offer, they may submit a CV.
  • Through Third-Party Companies – If you do not want to go through the trouble of checking the applicants one by one, you can hire from third-party companies. They have already screened these people so you know that they have the right skills and knowledge to work on your project.
  • Look for Referrals – If you already have some people who work on speech recognition, they may also know other data annotators who specialize in the same or other specific methods. Make your employees more enthusiastic about recruiting people by giving them compensation for every data annotator that you will hire from their referrals.

You can also choose to hire data annotators that can work on data categorization depending on where they are from.

CountryRate per annum
United States of America$39,000
United Kingdom$29,196

The farther the country is from your location, the more cost-efficient the price is. You need to remember that you cannot hire based on the costs alone. You also have to consider the quality of work that they can give depending on how they do the categorization of data, annotation of data, and so much more.

Contact Us to Learn More About Hiring the Best Data Annotators

We have worked with different companies and we make sure to match them with the best data annotation teams depending on their projects. Quality control is as important to us as it is to you.
Our teams of specialists are trained in the different data labeling services that you need for your project. Find the right people who can data annotate when you send your inquiries to us. We will consider all of the aspects of your requirements to help you find the best professionals. Contact us now for your quotation and for all other inquiries you may have.

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Svitlana, the insightful author behind Remote Labeler's blog, is an expert in the field of data annotation. With a wealth of experience, she brings a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in labeling data for machine learning models. Her expertise shines through in each post, offering valuable insights and practical knowledge that contribute to the evolving landscape of data annotation in the realm of remote labeling.
Svitlana Orlenko